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Nottingham City Part 2 Local Plan (Land and Planning Policies Document) Proposed Main Modifications

Consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Planning Document finished at 5pm on 28 June 2019. 

A local plan sets out local planning policies and identifies how land is used, determining what will be built where. Adopted local plans provide the framework for development.  Succinct and up-to-date plans should provide a positive vision for the future of each area and a framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social and environmental priorities.

local plan development

Consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Planning Document finished at 5pm on 28 June 2019. Set out below are details about the Proposed Modifications.

Supporting Documents


Title and Link Details

LAPP.NCC 48 13.5.19

Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document, May 2019

A schedule of the proposed Main Modifications to the LAPP.   This is the main consultation document.

LAPP.NCC 49 13.5.19

Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document, May 2019

A schedule that sets out the proposed changes to the accompanying Policies Map of the LAPP (Revised Publication Version).  The Policies Map is made up of NorthSouth and City Centre.  An Interactive map is also available of the Revised Publication Version.

LAPP.NCC 50 13.5.19

Provided for information only.

Proposed Main Modifications Tracked Changes Version of the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document, May 2019

Shows how the LAPP would read if all modifications (Main and Additional) were included.

Proposed Main Modifications

These are the main changes to the plan in light of the Examination and form the basis for this consultation. They are shown in blue underline for additions and red strikethrough for deletions.

Additional Modifications

These are minor changes, not subject to consultation and will be made by the Council on adoption of the document and include minor updates English and typing errors. These are shown for information only as additions in grey underline and deletions in grey strikethrough.

LAPP.NCC 51 13.5.19

Sustainability Appraisal Replacement Addendum 2 and Commentary on the Habitat Regulations Assessment, May 2019

An accompanying document that has informed the proposed Main Modifications.  This document includes both a replacement 2 addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal and also additional commentary on the Habitat Regulations Assessment. 

Sustainability Appraisal; reference should be made to the Original Sustainability Appraisal (Publication Version) and Addendum 1 (Revised Publication Version).

For clarity, the Addendum 2 published at submission is now superseded by this Replacement Addendum.

Habitat Regulations Assessment; reference should be made to the Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment that informed the assessment of the LAPP (Submission Version) by Nottingham City Council. 

LAPP.NCC 52 13.5.19

Equalities Impact Assessment Replacement Addendum 2, May 2019

An accompanying document that has informed the Main Modifications.  This is an addendum to the Equalities Impact Assessment.  Reference should be made to the Original Equalities Impact Assessment (Publication Version) and Addendum 1 (Revised Publication Version).

For clarity, the Addendum 2 published at submission is now superseded by this Replacement Addendum.

LAPP.NCC 53 13.5.19

Evidence in Support of Policy HO4: Specialist and Adaptable Housing, May 2019

This is an accompanying document that provides evidence in the support of Policy HO4 Specialist and Adaptable Housing.

LAPP.NCC 44 3.12.18

Housing Implementation Strategy and Delivery Test Action Plan November 2018

Sets out the Council’s approach to managing the delivery of the housing provision contained within the LAPP.

LAPP.NCC 43 3.12.18

Housing Land Availability Report, 2018

The Council’s latest assessment of its five year housing supply, based on an update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).

LAPP.NCC 55 13.5.19

Proposed Main Modifications Consultation letter 

Copy of the letter sent to consultees.  This also contains a copy of the Legal Notices

LAPP.NCC 54 13.5.19

Proposed Main Modifications Legal Notices

Copy of the Legal Notices

Other supporting documents are included in the Examination Library (both Parts 1 and 2). 

Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the Inspectors final conclusion on the Local Plan which will take account of all representations submitted in response to this consultation.

Now that the consultation period has finished all the representations received on the Main Modifications will be forwarded to the Inspector for her consideration, together with a report from the City Council summarising the main issues raised and providing a brief response to those issues.  It is then anticipated that the Inspector will issue her final report on the LAPP in late Summer.  If found legally compliant and sound the Plan will then be formally adopted by the Council in Autumn 2019.

land and planning policies

Set out below are the previous versions of the LAPP and how these relate to the Proposed Main Modifications

Publication Version

Revised Publication Version

Submission Version

Main Modification Version

Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2), Publication Version, January 2016

Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Revised Publication Version, September 2017 - shows the proposed changes as tracked changes to the original Publication Version, January 2016

NOW SUPERSEDED Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version, March 2018 - shows the proposed changes as tracked changes to the Revised Publication Version, September 2017

Proposed Main Modifications Tracked Changes Version of the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document, May 2019


Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2), Publication Version, September 2017 – this sets out the proposed changes between the Publication Version and the Revised Publication Version.


·       Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version, March 2018 - this sets out the proposed changes between the Revised Publication Version and the Submission Version.

·       Schedule of Changes to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Submission Version. Appendix 1: Schedule of Contextual Layer Changes to the Revised Publication Policies Map, March 2018, March 2018

·       Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document, May 2019

·       Schedule of Changes to the Policies Map of the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document, May 2019

Sustainability Appraisal January 2016 assesses the economic, social and environmental impacts of the planning policies and site allocations contained within the plan

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum September 2017

NOW SUPERSEDED Sustainability Appraisal (Submission Version) Addendum 2, March 2018

Sustainability Appraisal Replacement Addendum 2 and Commentary on the Habitat Regulations Assessment, May 2019

Equalities Impact Assessment, January 2016 - assesses the impact of the methods and sites within the Plan with the aim of removing or decreasing disadvantages, meeting the needs of people with protected attributes and encouraging people with those attributes to take part in public life

Equalities Impact Assessment Addendum, September 2017,

NOW SUPERSEDED Equalities Impact Assessment (Submission Version) Addendum 2, March 2018

Equalities Impact Assessment Replacement Addendum 2, May 2019

Preferred Option Report of Consultation, January 2016 - provides a summary of the comments received on the Preferred Options version of the LAPP and the City Council's response to them. It explains how comments have been used to inform the Publication Version of the LAPP

Report of Consultation for the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Publication Version, (Draft Regulation 22 Statement), September 2017)

Report of Consultation for the Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) Revised Publication Version, (Regulation 22 Statement – Part 2), March 2018

To follow consultation

Infrastructure Delivery Plan, January 2016 - identifies infrastructure required to meet the spatial objectives and growth anticipated by the LAPP

Infrastructure Delivery Plan, September 2017

Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Submission Version, March 2018

Not required

Legal Notices, January 2016 - these are the legal notices the Council has to prepare ('Statement of Representation Procedure' and 'Location of Documents for Inspection')

Legal Notices, September 2017

Submission Legal Notice, April 2018

Proposed Main Modifications Legal Notices, 2019

All the representations received on the Main Modifications were forwarded to the Inspector for her consideration, together with Nottingham City’s Summary of Responses to the Proposed Main Modification Consultation which provides a brief response to those issues. 

All details about the Examination of the LAPP can be found on the Examination Pages including the Latest News and previous Consultation Comments.

If you have any queries, please contact the Planning Policy & Research team by e-mail or by telephone 0115 876 4594.

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