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Set out below are details of Local Plan related news items including consultations.

Upcoming Consultations

At the Executive Board on 16 July members agreed that two new Supplementary Planning Documents could go out for consultation in Summer 2024.

The date for this consultation has not yet be finalised, but the draft documents can be viewed below.

Further details about the consultation will appear here shortly.

Recent consultations

Strategic Distribution and Logistics: Preferred Approach

During January and February 2023, the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership consulted on the Preferred Approach to the distribution of housing and employment within the emerging Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.

Following this consultation and a call for logistics sites in 2022, the Partnership consulted on the Strategic Distribution and Logistics: Preferred Approach.

The consultation lasted until 7thNovember 2023.

Please follow the link: Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach (now closed) (

The Council recently consulted on a strategy for the future of student living in Nottingham.

A new plan has been created to increase the choice and quality of student housing, maximise the benefits of a large student population and better tackle any challenges for communities.

There are lots of benefits in having two world-class universities, but it can also create some challenges. Nottingham City Council, the University of Nottingham, and Nottingham Trent University have formally committed to work to tackle any issues and work towards shared priorities.

The partners want Nottingham to be a safe, exciting, and welcoming place to live for all residents. A city that is clean and environmentally sustainable, where we are ambitious, and where local people are proud to live.

To do this, the partners have set out 3 main priorities to ensure there is sufficient quality student accommodation available, that the impact on communities can be minimised and that students become valued members of the wider community in which they choose to live.   

The Student Living Strategy sets out the ambitious actions that will be taken to deliver positive change for students and Nottingham’s communities.

Find out more and have your say on the Student Living Strategy Consultation webpage.

Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan – Preferred Approach 

The consultation period closed at 5pm on Tuesday 14 February 2023.

In 2020 and 2021 Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils carried out a public consultation on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Growth Options document.

The Councils then prepared a Preferred Approach document, on which comments were invited between 03 Jan 2023 to 14 Feb 2023. The Preferred Approach focusses on the amount and distribution of housing and employment development and the identification of strategic sites in the area to 2038. 

Please visit the Greater Nottingham website for further details of the plan

Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership (

Recent Adoptions and Publications

The Statement of Community Involvement was adopted by the City Council's Executive Board on 20 June 2023. 

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how the community can get involved in the preparation of local planning policy documents and decisions on planning applications.

A copy of the SCI and additional information can be viewed online at:

The Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the City Council's Executive Board on 21 March 2023. The Conservation Area Appraisal forms the primary evidence base for the special character and appearance of the area. The Management Plan provides supplementary guidance to policies set out within the adopted Nottingham City Local Plan. 

A copy of the SPD and additional information can be viewed online at:

The Council's latest IFS has been published.  This sets out details of S106 agreed and monies received spent and retained for the financial year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Further details are available on the Infrastructure Funding Statement page

Funding Statement


The Council adopted the 'Reduction of Carbon in New Development' Informal Planning Guidance in June 2022. 

To view the document please visit the Reduction of Carbon in New Development Informal Planning Guidance webpage

The Council adopted the Education Contributions from Residential Developments Supplementary Planning Document at the Executive Board on 18 May 2021.  Please view the related documents below:

To confirm, no application to leave was applied for within three months of the decision by any person with sufficient interest in the decision to adopt the SPD.

The Council adopted the Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document at the Executive Board on 18 May 2021

Further details can be found on the Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning web page.  Please view the related documents below:

  • Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Purpose Built Student Accommodation 
  • Adoption Statement: Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Purpose Built Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
  • Report of Consultation: Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Purpose Built Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
  • Executive Board Report: Approval to adopt Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Purpose Built Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

 Click image above to view the document

Other latest news

Set out below is other Local Plan related news not listed above. 

Work has started on a new Waste Local Plan, which is being prepared jointly by Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. This will replace the adopted Waste Core Strategy (2013)

The new Plan will ensure that we can plan for sufficient sites to meet future demand for waste and resource recovery over the next 15-20 years, a period which will see significant housing and economic growth across the plan area. Once adopted, the document will provide a range of policies aimed at supporting sustainable waste management, helping us to meet our objectives on climate change and minimising carbon emissions. The Plan will then be used to determine planning applications for waste development.

For more information please visit the Nottingham County Council Waste Local Plan Review pages

A new dedicated page has been created to provide details of updates to commuted S106 contributions that the Council may seek on major Planning Applications.

Details can be found on the S106 Contributions revised costs page.

This includes details of recently revised contributions for Education (December 2022).  

To help make the process for determining of S106 open and transparent a new S106 Estimator tool has been produced to give a summary of likely financial contributions for the following infrastructure;

  • Affordable Housing
  • Open Space
  • Education; and
  • Employment & Training

Details can be found by clicking the button below.

S106 Estimator

Join our joint consultation database

We are working with other councils in Greater Nottingham (Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling and Rushcliffe) to review the Aligned Core Strategy (Part 1 of the Local Plan). To enable us to undertake consultations on the Local Plan and related documents we have set up a joint consultation database with other Greater Nottingham councils.

To be included please register your details on the Greater Nottingham Consultation Database webpage. Please view both the related the Nottingham City Privacy Notice and Greater Nottingham Privacy Notice.

The Local Plan team are hybrid working and so you are advised to make initial contact by emailing

Contact us

Planning and Building Control
LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street

Tel: 01158764594

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