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How to Vote in Elections

Elections are your opportunity to shape the future of Nottingham and have a say in the governance of the country. Voting is a simple process that you can participate in either in person, by post, or by nominating a proxy.

Register to vote - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Ensure you're eligible to vote by registering online through the registration link or by calling the elections team at 0115 876 4111.

Special Arrangements:

Special arrangements may apply to students, members of HM Armed Forces, UK citizens abroad, and homeless individuals.

Find more information on our Special Arrangements for Registering to Vote page.

Casting Your Vote:

  1. Voting in Person: See Below
    • Visit your designated polling station, indicated on your polling card.
    • Polling station opening hours are from 7am to 10pm on Election Day.
    • If disabled and in need of assistance, contact the electoral registration office for support or Click Here.
  2. Postal Vote: See Dropdown Below
    • Apply for a postal vote if you prefer to vote by mail. More information can be found below.
  3. Proxy Vote: See Dropdown Below
    • Nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf. More information can be found below.

On Election Day:

  • Inform staff of your name and address for verification.
  • You don't need your poll card to vote.
  • From 2023, onwards, voters must show a valid photo ID to vote in person. Learn more about acceptable forms and how to obtain free photo ID on our Voter ID page.
  • Receive a stamped ballot paper with official marks.
  • Enter the polling booth to mark your vote. If visually impaired, request a special voting device for privacy.
  • Read the ballot paper carefully and follow instructions on the number of votes allowed.
  • Fold the paper and deposit it in the ballot box. Ensure your vote remains confidential.

For a visual guide, refer to the voting in person video for step-by-step instructions. Your participation is crucial, and we are here to assist. If you have any questions, contact the staff at the polling station or visit our Information for Voters with a Disability page for additional support. Make your voice heard and contribute to the democratic process in Nottingham.

If you have lost your poll card, you can find out where your nearest polling station is by using our polling station finder.

Polling station finder

The below video provides a step-by-step guide on voting in person at the polling station. Please note this video was created before the introduction of voter ID. 

Voting in person at the polling station (youtube.com)

Anyone can opt for a postal vote by applying online or completing a paper application form. Click the link below to apply online: Apply for a postal vote online.

Apply for a postal vote online

You can access a postal vote application form by clicking the below link.

Submit the completed form via post or email as a clear, scanned attachment or picture, ensuring a signed form (not typed) is visible.

To confirm your identity, provide your National Insurance number. If unavailable, provide an explanation.

Process and Duration:

Upon application, your details will be added to the postal voters list, and an acknowledgment letter will be sent.

Choose to vote by post for a specific election, a defined period, or the maximum period (up to 3 years). Reapply if changing address or after expiry.

Before the Election:

Receive a polling card outlining your postal voting arrangements.

Approximately 10 days before the election, receive your postal vote by post. It includes a ballot paper, a ballot paper envelope, a postal voting statement, and a return envelope.

Casting Your Postal Vote:

  • Mark your ballot paper in secret.
  • Seal it in the provided envelope.
  • Complete the postal voting statement with your date of birth and signature. Ensure accurate completion to prevent rejection.

Visual Guide

For a visual guide, watch the voting by post video offering step-by-step instructions.

If you're unable to visit a polling station or prefer not to vote by post, you have the option to appoint someone to vote on your behalf through a process known as voting by proxy.

Apply for a proxy vote online by clicking the GOV.UK link and completing the necessary details.

Apply for a proxy vote - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk

Eligibility and Reasons:

You must have a valid reason for applying to vote by proxy, such as working away, studying at university, or being infirm. Clearly state the reason for your inability to attend the polling station and nominate the person you wish to appoint as your proxy.

In the case of an indefinite proxy, authentication may be necessary, typically facilitated by a credible individual such as your employer, lecturer, or healthcare professional. This additional step ensures the legitimacy and validity of the proxy arrangement.

Proxy Voting Forms:

Download the appropriate proxy voting form based on your circumstances:

Return completed forms by post or as a scanned attachment via email. Ensure the scanned image shows a signed form, not a typed signature.

Emergency Proxy:

In cases where your intended photo ID is lost, stolen, destroyed, or damaged after the Voter Authority Certificate deadline, or due to a medical or employment emergency, you may be eligible for an emergency proxy. Find the relevant application forms here.

Voter ID Requirement:

Starting from elections on May 4, 2023, voters must show valid photo ID at a polling station. Learn about acceptable forms and how to obtain free photo ID here.

Proxy's Voting Process:

Your proxy will receive a proxy polling letter shortly before the election, showing both your and their details. This letter aids polling station staff but is not compulsory. Your proxy will be issued a secret ballot paper, which they mark in a booth and then place in a sealed ballot box.

Additional Information:

A proxy doesn't have to vote in person at a polling station; they can apply to vote by post.

  • Existing proxies wishing to vote by post should contact Electoral Services.

For any queries or assistance, contact Electoral Services at the provided number.

Make your voice heard even when you can't be present – vote by proxy and actively participate in Nottingham's democratic process.

The below video provides a step-by-step guide on voting by Proxy.

Please note this video was created before the introduction of voter ID.

Welcome to Your Vote - Someone else voting on your behalf. England (youtube.com)

For further information please contact Electoral Services