The National Planning Policy Framework must be taken into account in preparing the development plan, and is a material consideration in planning decisions. Planning policies and decisions must also reflect relevant international obligations and statutory requirements
Details of the review of each part of the Local Plan can be viewed below.
Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Review – Preferred Approach Consultation - January 2023
In 2020 and 2021 Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils carried out a public consultation on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Growth Options document.
The Councils have now prepared a Preferred Approach document, on which comments are now invited. The Preferred Approach focusses on the amount and distribution of housing and employment development and the identification of strategic sites in the area to 2038.
The deadline for comments is Tuesday 14th February 2023.
The Preferred Approach document can be viewed through the consultation portal. Further information regarding this consultation and all supporting documents can be viewed at:
Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Preferred Approach (
The Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Document (LAPP) was adopted by the Council on 13 January 2020 (see committee papers) following receipt of the Inspector's Report. Archive information about the Examination of the LAPP can be found on the Examination Web pages.
Previously stages of the review are detailed below.
Call for Sites | Consultation on a Call for Sites took place between 7 June and 19 July 2009. |
Additional Sites |
Following a call for sites, consultation on Issues and Options took place between 26 September and 21 November 2011 and later consultation on additional sites between 5 March and 30 April 2012.
Preferred Option |
Between 7 October 2013 and 2 Decembers 2013 a further round of consultation took place on the Preferred Option for the LAPP. |
Publication Version | The Publication Version stage which was consulted on 29 January and 11 March 2016. Details of this stage available on the Publication Version stage page. |
Revised Publication Version | Revised Publication Version stage which was consulted on between Friday 29th September to Friday 10th November 2017. Details of this stage available on the Revised Publication Version page. |
Submission Version | Details of this stage available on the Submission version LAPP page |
Main Modifications | The Proposed Main Modifications followed on from the hearing sessions held in late 2018. Full details can be found on the Proposed Main Modification Consultation page |
Inspector’s Report | The Inspector’s Report was received on 13 December 2020 which found the document to be legally compliant and sound. |
Adoption of the Land and Planning Policies Document – Local Plan Part 2 | The LAPP was adopted on 13 January 2020. |
Work has started on a new Waste Local Plan, which is being prepared jointly by Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council.
This will replace the adopted Waste Core Strategy (2013)
The new Plan will ensure that we can plan for sufficient sites to meet future demand for waste and resource recovery over the next 15-20 years, a period which will see significant housing and economic growth across the plan area. Once adopted, the document will provide a range of policies aimed at supporting sustainable waste management, helping us to meet our objectives on climate change and minimising carbon emissions. The Plan will then be used to determine planning applications for waste development.
For more information please visit the Nottingham County Council Waste Local Plan Review pages.
The Local Plan team are hybrid working and so you are advised to make initial contact by emailing
Contact us
Planning and Building Control
LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street
Tel: 01158764594
Feedback submitted to us on this form is monitored but you won’t receive a reply. If you need a response please contact us.