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Upgrade to Parking Permits System

Please be aware from Monday 1st July 2024, the permits system has completed an upgrade and you will not be able access this system until your password has been changed.  More information is available here. 

Nottingham City Council has introduced annual charges for permits to further manage the highway, encourage residents to look at different transport options, reduce congestion and improve air quality.

Your first permit per household is free and a charge applies for your second (£35 per year) and third (£50 per year) permits, if you need them.

The 2021 census showed that around half of short journeys to work in Nottingham are made by car.

Some short journeys do need to be made by car, but many could easily be walked or biked instead – saving you money, improving both your physical and mental health and helping to mitigate the climate emergency.

  • Try walking – Nottingham’s walking routes keep you physically active from your doorstep
  • Try cycling – Nottingham’s cycle routes connect lots of areas across the city, as well as providing easy access to many of the city’s sporting, arts and leisure venues.

Nottingham’s new Lime e-bikes will make the journey a breeze and they can be hired via the Lime smartphone app

  • Jump on an e-scooter – download the Superpedestrian smartphone app and you will be there in a flash
  • Switch to public transport – either pay by contactless and benefit from a great value daily cap on NET trams, NCT buses and Linkbuses, or get a Robin Hood card to save further

For further information and advice about sustainable travel in Nottingham, please visit the Transport Nottingham website: Transport Nottingham

Residents were consulted on the change in spring 2022 – thank you to everyone who gave their views. Changes were made based on your feedback to offer concessions on the permit charges for Blue Badge Holders and for those with eligible healthcare requirements.

Residents’ and Visitors’ Parking Permits - Frequently Asked Questions

A residents’ parking scheme creates a parking zone to exclude non-residential and commuter parking from a street and relieve high levels of parking demand, protecting on-street parking spaces for the people who live in their respective areas.

Signs are located at all zone entry points, confirming the hours during which parking is controlled in the area and restrictions in place. All normal parking rules still apply within these zones and marked bays should be used, where instructed.

No, parking spaces cannot be reserved for groups or individuals. However, by preventing commuters from parking in your area, permit parking zones make it more likely that you will find a parking space near your property.

Details of the parking zone relevant to your scheme will be issued with your permit.

Each household is eligible for a maximum of up to three permits, which can be any combination of resident and visitor permits.

Visitors’ permits must not be used on a permanent basis as an additional resident’s vehicle specific permit, unless authorised to do so by the authority. 

Visitors’ permits are issued to residents who should only give them to genuine visitors. Instructions on how to use, and display them, are printed on the permits.  

Visitor permits must not be used for convenience parking, i.e. lending the permit to a driver so they can attend their place of work. 


Permit Number Cost
Permit 1 Free
Permit 2 £35 per year
Permit 3 £50 per year


Yes, a permit is required. Motorcyclists and scooter riders are not entitled to free parking in residents’ parking zones. 

You can apply and pay (when applicable) online by visiting:

Apply for a parking permit

To renew your permit, you must complete an application at least 4 weeks before your permit (including a virtual permit) expires.

If you are unable to apply online, please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team. We will accept postal applications using the relevant application form which will need to be sent to the team with copies of the necessary eligibility proof documents and the required fee.

When applying for a permit you will need to provide the following documents:

  • A Council Tax bill dated within the Council’s current financial year (1st April – 31st March), to demonstrate your name and address as the applicant. Alternatively, permission may be given for the Parking Regulation and Compliance team to contact Nottingham City Council’s Council Tax section on your behalf.
  • A further proof of address, which can include a copy of:
  • Your driving licence
  • A valid tenancy agreement
  • A solicitor’s letter confirming purchase of your property
  • A utility bill from the last three months
  • A Certificate of Motor Insurance (not the full Insurance Policy) showing the applicant as a named driver of the vehicle

Residents’ vehicle specific permits are virtual and remove the need to display a physical paper permit in the windscreen. Civil Enforcement Officers can electronically identify the virtual permit from the vehicle registration number.

All details are secure as demonstrated by the padlock symbol in the browser address bar.

Yes, you can apply and pay (when applicable) online by visiting:

Apply for a parking permit - Nottingham City Council

All details are secure as demonstrated by the padlock symbol in the browser address bar.

If you are unable to apply online, please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team.

When applying for a permit you will need to provide the following documents:

  • A Council Tax bill dated within the Council’s current financial year (1st April – 31st March), to demonstrate your name and address as the applicant. Alternatively, permission may be given for the Parking Regulation and Compliance team to contact Nottingham City Council’s Council Tax section on your behalf.
  • A further proof of address, which can include a copy of:
  • Your driving licence
  • A valid tenancy agreement
  • A solicitor’s letter confirming purchase of your property
  • A utility bill from the last three months

Visitor permits are issued as a physical paper permit and are interchangeable between vehicles visiting your property, so a Certificate of Motor Insurance is not required.

A visitors’ permit is only valid within the zone it has been issued for. The permit must be displayed in the front windscreen of the visitors’ vehicle and clearly visible from the outside, so that all detail can be seen by a Civil Enforcement Officer. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

Blue Badges alone are not valid in a residents’ parking zone; you will need to have a valid permit for the relevant zone.

A Blue Badge holder can apply for a free (relevant from 26th June 2023) exemption permit, in addition to a household’s first free permit (up to the maximum three permits per household), providing that the Badge Holder is a resident in a residents’ permit zone. The Blue Badge holder must provide a copy of the Blue Badge during the online application stage (you do not need to provide this if the badge was issued by Nottingham City Council, as we can check this on our own database), along with the other proofs required for a residents’ parking permit (see above).

Carers are eligible for a free (relevant from 26th June 2023) exemption permit, in addition to a household’s first free permit (up to the maximum three permits per household), providing that the person receiving care is a resident in a residents’ permit zone.

The resident must provide proof of requiring regular Carer attendance in the form of a letter (showing the resident’s name and address) from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), confirming that the resident receives one of the following:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • The care element of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – middle or higher rate
  • Personal Independent Payment (PIP) – daily living allowance

In addition, the resident must provide a letter from the DWP confirming that the resident’s family/friend is in receipt of Carers Allowance (showing the resident’s name and address).

The resident must provide the above along with the other proofs required for a residents’ parking permit.

Public/private sector commissioned healthcare providers are able to purchase an annual Resident Dispensation Permit here: Apply for a Resident Dispensation Parking Permit

If you applied for your permit online, please visit Apply for a parking permit to log in to your account and change your vehicle details.

Apply for a parking permit

If you applied for your permit using a paper application form, please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team to process the change.

To renew your permit, you must complete an application at least 4 weeks before your permit (including a virtual permit) expires.

You will receive a renewal reminder via post or email around six weeks before your permit is due to expire. Please note that while reminders are sent where possible, we are unable to guarantee that these will be received and responsibility for renewing your permit on time rests with you.

If a visitors’ permit has not been received following a successful application, please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team via email who will issue a lost letter for your completion. A replacement permit will only be issued free of charge where non-receipt has been communicated to the team within one month of the permit’s original issue date.

If you need to order a new replacement visitors’ permit, a charge of £25 per permit applies.

Where a vehicle containing a visitors’ permit has been stolen, a crime number is required before a new permit is issued. Please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team via email for further details.

If you applied for your permit online, please visit Apply for a parking permit to log in to your account and cancel your permit.

Apply for a parking permit 

If you applied for your permit using a paper application form, please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team to process the cancellation.

If you have a visitors’ permit, please display this.

Otherwise, please contact the Parking Regulation and Compliance team via email to log the temporary vehicle.

If you move to another property within a Residents’ parking zone (even if it is in the same area), you will need to complete a new application.

Permits cannot be transferred to any new occupiers.

Misuse and abuse of permits undermines the purpose of the schemes. All permits are subject to specific terms and conditions, which can result in enforcement action if citizens are found to be misusing them

You must not:

  • Change any details on paper permits
  • Photocopy or reproduce a permit
  • Use a visitor permit in a vehicle that is registered to the permit holder address
  • Give a visitor permit to someone to use for their own convenience and not visiting a property in the scheme, like commuting.
  • Abuse or threaten patrolling officers whilst they carry out their duties.

Any misuse or abuse of a permit may result in the issue of penalty charge notices, removal of offending vehicles and revocation of the permit. 

For further information please contact or 0115 8761888.

If you suspect misuse is taking place, you can submit a report to our enforcement team for further investigation:

Report a Permit Misuse - Nottingham City Council

Please be aware that you may not be eligible for a permit if you have an outstanding debt with Nottingham City Council’s Parking Regulation and Compliance team



Contact us

Nottingham City Council
Parking Regulation & Compliance
PO Box 10169

Tel: 0115 876 1966

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