Contaminated Land Register
- Local authorities have a statutory obligation to keep a register of contaminated land
- Nottingham City Council has a responsibility to ensure that the land within its boundaries is 'suitable for use'
However, currently there are no sites within the boundary of the City of Nottingham that has been determined as "contaminated land" or a "special site" according to the legislation; therefore there are currently no entries in the register.
Enquiring about LandForm:
If you're interested in understanding the form of a particular piece of land, we are here to assist. Feel free to enquire about landform through our dedicated service.
Contaminated Land Enquiry form
You can find more information on Gov at Contaminated land: Overview - GOV.UK (
Defining Contaminated Land:
The Local Authority is the regulatory body for contaminated land within Nottingham City. Contaminated land, as defined, is land where:
- Significant harm is being caused or likely to be caused; or
- Pollution of controlled waters is being or likely to be caused.
The Water Act 2003 modified the definition related to controlled waters, emphasizing significant harm or significant pollution.
You can find more information by clicking here - Radon - GOV.UK (
Contaminated land issues are primarily addressed through our Planning regime. Our Environmental Health and Safer Places team may recommend conditions as part of a planning permission, requiring developers to investigate and remediate land conditions. Nottingham City Council holds statutory powers to enforce remediation when there is a significant risk to public health, the environment, or property.
To delve deeper into our strategies, you can download the following
- Contaminated Land Strategy
- Contaminated Land Statutory Guidance 2012
- Nottingham City Council - Guidance on Cover Layers & Verification Testing
The Council's priorities, in order of importance, include:
- Protecting human health
- Protecting controlled waters
- Safeguarding designated ecosystems
- Preventing property damage
- Halting further land contamination
- Encouraging voluntary remediation
- Promoting the reuse of brownfield or contaminated land
Collaborative Approach:
Nottingham City Council collaborates with other local authorities in Nottinghamshire to guide developers on land with potential contamination. This guide aims to establish a consistent approach to the development of contaminated land in Nottingham.
In some cases, the Environment Agency regulates contaminated land legislation, specifically for "Special Sites." This designation applies to sites used for certain processes or situated on bedrock classified as a Principal Aquifer.
There are two principal aquifers in the Nottingham City Council area,
- The Upper Permian Cadeby Formation (formerly Lower Magnesian Limestone, locally "Bulwell Stone")
- The Permo-Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group rocks, which include the Lenton Sandstone and the Nottingham Castle Sandstone Formations (formerly Lower Mottled Sandstone and Bunter Pebble Beds respectively).
Currently, there are no designated contaminated land or Special Sites in the Nottingham City Council area.
Growing Edible Crops
As we explore opportunities for utilising derelict or industrial land for growing edible crops, safety is paramount. Schools and community groups interested in this venture can seek advice from our Pollution Control Team to ensure the land is free from unacceptable pollutant levels.
For detailed procedures, refer to the Environmental Protection UK's informative leaflet.
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