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Nottingham Local List

The city has over 600 locally listed buildings or structures. These have a positive benefit upon the social and cultural character of the city, although as yet they are not of sufficient quality for national listing by Historic England.  

Currently there are over 800 nationally listed building within Nottingham and these are protected from demolition and harmful alteration. Therefore, any application to significantly modify them has to be submitted via a Listed Building Consent Application, which is scrutinised by the conservation officer and often via civic organisations acting on a voluntary capacity.

However, in an historic and modern city such as Nottingham there are many buildings that do not meet the strict criteria for national listing, while at the same there is a huge demand for redevelopment. The Local List is an opportunity for the city to identify buildings which are worth looking after should they be considered for significant change within a planning application. Locally listing does not officially protect any building or structure from change or demolition, it is simply a means of identifying those of historic or architectural interest. If the locally listed building has strong significance via good design and/or history, then this can have a positive influence upon a planning application.

View Nottingham’s Locally Listed Buildings

Many of the city’s locally listed buildings were obtained via a consultation exercise with Nottingham Civic Society and the general public. The city’s local list has effectively become a database of buildings and structures which show the address, location and description. This can be viewed via either the local list mapping website or the city’s GIS Insight Mapping Service:

Local List Online Map

Simply click on a coloured building to read the description

Nottingham City Local and National List (

Insight Mapping

Go to Layers/Planning/Local List/then click on a coloured building to read the description.

Nottingham City Council - Insight Mapping GIS Mapping

Recommend a Building

Anyone can submit a building or structure for local listing by emailing the city council’s Planning Services.

It is important to not only identify the address and location but also to describe the significance of the building or structure in terms of architectural or historic merit. For example: are there any original features, such as windows or brickwork? Why is the appearance attractive? What was the building/structure used for originally? When was it built? Who designed it? How did it change? Did anything important happen here? Ideally this description should be no more than 150 words. 

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