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Funeral arrangement

When people die and no one to arrange funeral

There are occasions when people die and there are no relatives or friends available to arrange their funeral. In such cases, the Nottingham City Council's Cemeteries and Crematorium team take on this role to fulfil a legal obligation under Section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984.

Last attempt to contact relatives

In each case, before the funeral arrangements are finalised, attempts are made to establish whether there are relatives who wish to organise the funeral themselves.

These attempts include

  • Talking to friends and neighbours,
  • Searching through the deceased's paperwork,
  • Placing requests for relatives in local contact centres and via our Appeal to Trace Relatives.

Wishes of the deceased

In all cases, attempts are made to determine what the wishes of the deceased may have been regarding burial or cremation. A committal service always takes place in either one of our chapels or at the graveside.

Cremated remains

Cremated remains of the deceased are usually scattered in the woodland walk unless other specific instructions are found amongst the deceased's possessions or in a will.


For burials, an interment will take place in a non-private grave and although a headstone will not be erected plaques are permitted on the grave.

Contact us

If you wish to find out if we have arranged the funeral of a relative or friend then please contact the Cemeteries Office on 0115 8761922 or email cemeteries@nottinghamcity.gov.uk.

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Contact Us

Nottingham City Council Cemeteries Office
Wilford Hill
Crematorium and Southern Cemetery
Loughborough Road
West Bridgford


Tel: 01158761915

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