Pre-Ofsted Inspection Support and Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements Tool Kit

This Pre-Ofsted Inspection Support and Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Tool Kit has been designed as an optional, complementary tool for childcare providers in the PVI sector and is designed to work alongside the Statutory Framework for the EYFS, Ofsted Guidance and legislation.

The tool kit is made up of the following documents:

If you are a new provision, this toolkit will allow you to:

  • Audit your setting to enable you to meet the requirements of the Early Years Register
  • Access current documents, publications and websites that are required for developing and maintaining quality environments for children
  • Implement an effective review and reflection cycle
  • Plan a staff induction and training programme

If you are an established provision, this toolkit will allow you to:

  • Review your provisions policies and procedures in line with current legislation/local policies and procedures
  • Use sections of the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Tool Kit for discussions within team and management meetings
  • Link to your settings staff induction process
  • Identify areas of strength and areas for development within your review cycle
  • Review your staff training programme